Welcome to Self Made TV, where entertainment meets convenience, and education intertwines with enlightenment. In a groundbreaking collaboration with the Brown Foundation Community Development Corporation, we are proud to amplify our impact by producing documentaries that not only captivate but also educate our viewers on vital issues. Passionate about delivering top-quality content straight to your screens, enjoy our Self Made Original documentaries, and much more, ensuring a rich variety that caters to every taste and preference. At the heart of our mission is a deep-rooted passion for storytelling, driven by the desire to connect audiences worldwide with compelling narratives. Our user-friendly interface promises seamless navigation, making your streaming experience effortless and truly enjoyable. Whether you're a movie enthusiast, a documentary devotee, or simply in search of relaxation, Self Made TV is your destination for endless entertainment options, enriched by informative and enlightening documentaries. Join us on this remarkable journey and unlock a world of entertainment possibilities like never before. A portion of all proceeds earned go to support the charitable missions of the Brown Foundation Community Development Corporation which includes providing access to education, eradicating hunger, providing decent and sanitary housing, and increasing access to affordable health to the most venerable citizens in the communities we serve.